
Saturday, October 23, 2010

United with Christ.

     When the light of Christ dwells fully in the heart, it extends its influence to every thought, word, and action; and directs its possessor how he is to act in all places and circumstances.
     Our souls can never be truly happy till our wills be entirely subjected to, and become one with, the will of God.
                         Adam Clarke.
     I believe this is what Jesus refers to when He calls  out "If any one would come after Me, let him deny himself..."  This is the losing of ones life that Christ demands of those who would be His disciples ; the life of one who has died and whose life is now hid with Christ in God. This is the Apostle Paul proclaiming " I am crucified with Christ, yet I live. Not I but Christ lives in me." Christ calls us to a place where all we do, whether we eat or drink is done for His glory. Every thought that enters our minds is taken captive to the obedience of Christ. This is a place where all is done in the name of Christ, we have no will of our own. All that interests us, all that concerns us, all that excites us, all that fills us with joy is Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Jesus said not to seek after the thing that the world seeks after. He then went on to say that these things were the basic needs that we all face in life! He said to seek first the Kingdom of god, and His righteousness, and He would take care of these things for us.
     We must come to that place, by the grace of God where we are completely empty, so that His Holy Spirit can take full possession of His temple. Thus led by the Spirit our hearts will beat with His as one, so that all we desire will be Him and the promotion of His interest, not for any benefit that we can gain, but for Christ only.
     This is the place of peace, an end of stress and strife, no longer chasing shadows that we can never catch. the cares and troubles of life can not reach one who rests in the secret place of the Most High, for we no longer have any earthly concerns, for we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom. To be sure we will feel grief and sorrow when we see friends and neighbors sin against the Holy God who we love so, but this will only lead us to plead for them, and with them to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
     We will know what it means to pray "Thy will be done" instead of praying " Do this if it is your will." This is the place where we will pray in the Holy Spirit at all times, alert and watchful.
     In the old testament only the high priest could enter the Most Holy Place, and that only once a year. Now in this age of grace Christ has made a way for each and everyone of us to enter through Him.
     He is looking for empty vessels to fill!

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