
Thursday, October 21, 2010

To love the truth.

      We are all confronted throughout our lives with the revelation of God. He is revealed in His creation, as well as in His written word. That brings us to a choice with eternal consequences. There are many who suppress the truth by their wickedness, as seen in the first chapter of Romans. They take what God has revealed about Himself and ignore it, choosing to worship a god of their own invention. A similar passage in 2nd Thessalonians shows us that to refuse to love the truth leads to God sending a delusion, letting those who do so, believe a lie and being condemned, because they did not believe the truth, but delighted in wickedness. Ch. 2:10-12. However he encouraged the believers, reminding them that God had chosen them by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, through belief in the truth. vs. 13.  Take the time to read Psalm 119. The theme of this chapter is the law of God. Over and over you can see the reverance and love shown it. This love is shown by obedience. vs 97, Oh how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. vs. 143, Your commandments are my delight. vs. 165, Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. (NIV). The psalmist desired the word of God over riches. Let us truly love God and obey His word! Jesus Christ is the way truth and life!

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