
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do you grieve over sin?

     Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed.
                                                                                                                Psalm 119:136(NIV).
     Throughout Biblical history the people of God have been characterized by sorrow, flowing out of love for their God, who is rejected by the world. When God was about to bring Judgement on Jerusalem He spared the upright. Here was how they were determined to be loyal to God- "Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the forheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it" Ezekiel 9:4 (NIV). They loved God and did not remain indifferent to all the sin that was going on around them. They wept because sin violates the Holy God, they grieved at the hurt it caused Him as well as the pain it caused those affected by it. They were burdened by the fact that one day God's judgement would come upon those who commited sin.
     Jesus also wept over the hardness of men's hearts. Matt 23:37. He longed to gather His people to Himself, but they were not willing. He knew that these same people would hand Him over to be crucified. Jesus also confronted the religious leaders of the day. What many today might consider harsh or judgemental, was actually done to restore the truth of God's law, and show Him as Holy once again in the middle of a corrupt religious system.
     That brings me to pose some questions. How do react to the sin we see around us? When a co worker tells a dirty joke do we nervously laugh? Do we remain indifferent to all the filth around us? What about scandals in the Church? Do we gloat over fallen leaders, or grieve?
     The very root of sin is unbelief in God and His word. It plays itself out in rebellion to His authority. This rebellion and unbelief is what caused the saints of old to weep. It is what caused Christ to weep. It should cause us to weep as well. We all hurt when someone we love is hurt. In the same way we should hurt when God is hurt. Do you grieve over sin?

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