
Monday, April 8, 2024

Prophetic Speculation

It is Monday, April 8 2024. It has been rainy and overcast where I live. That probably won't matter anyway, as I do not live in a town named Ninevah, or Salem, Jonah, or Jacob. In fact I am no where near the projected path of today's solar eclipse.

I watched a video presentation by one of these supposed prophecy "experts." While he used a scripture or two here and there, what I heard sounded more like astrology, numerology, and just plain old "divination." None of what this teacher stated could actually be backed up with a sound search of the scriptures. He fired information at you so fast it made your head hurt. There was no way one could possibly remember everything this guy said.

That said, here is the bottom line. If you teach the word, whether it's on a YouTube channel, a blog like this one, or from a pulpit, remember you will be held to a much stricter judgement (James 3:1). Your teaching can and will effect many. If you are in error, remember souls hang in the balance. Do you really want to stand before Jesus with blood on your hands?

If you, as we have seen far too many times, give a sensational, but false, prophecy, you bring a reproach upon the entire body of Christ. The Church is supposed to be the Pillar and ground if the truth (1 Tim3:15). The Bible warns of the time when mockers will come, making jest of the return of Christ (2 Peter 3:3-9). I will not repeat the one comment I read yesterday concerning this latest sensational prophecy surrounding this solar eclipse. It concerned the Bible and the prophecies contained within it. Safe to say, it was vulgar. The world looks at these sensational but false prophecies and makes a mockery out of Christianity. Teachers, make sure your teaching is backed up by the scriptures.

And for those of you who are quick to believe every prophecy you hear, remember no matter how convincing the guy might sound, or how exciting it might be, if it's not backed up by the word of God its not real. A few scriptures might be sprinkled in and make it more believable, but if you don't seriously dig into the Bible for yourself and make sure, it's on you when it proves false.

There is a story of a young shepherd boy who got bored and lonely out with the sheep every night. So, he cried "Wolf! Wolf!" Everyone came running to help him. It was exciting, and this boy got his kicks out of it, so he did it again, and again they came running. Well, he tried it one more time but no one took him seriously. Only this time the wolf had really come.

How many more times can we do this? We have seen 88 reasons why Jesus will return in 1988. When this failed to happen the same individual said he was off by a year, wrote another book and failed again. Harold Camping tried the same stunt a few years back. Of course he was wrong too. And he also claimed to be off, this time by a few months. Well here we are, we lived through the blood moon fad 10 years ago as well. How many more of these things will we run after without actually seeing for ourselves what Jesus says? 

Test all things by the word of God
(1Thess 5:21-22). Don't just accept everything you hear.