
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Without Excuse

     The Bible tells us that what is known about God is evident to men through what He has created (Romans 1:19-20).

     For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse...
                            Romans 1:20 NASB

     One needs only to look around at the natural beauty of the created world to understand that there is an almighty God who has created all of this. As the above verse states, His attributes, His eternal power, and His divine nature are clearly seen, being understood through what has been made. This speaks volumes about what man understands about God deep down within his heart. Man knows that there is a holy, just God who created all things, and who cannot tolerate sin.
     Sadly the Bible goes on to say that man rejects this revelation, choosing instead to worship the creation rather than the creator (Romans 1:21-25). This rejection of God is our downfall. This is the source of all the wicked, immoral behavior we see in the world today.
     It is little wonder that the world largely rejects Biblical creationism for the lie of Darwinism. This is man's effort to deny the revelation of God that he receives from the creation around him, and rejects. Men love darkness rather than the light.

     This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.
                                               John 3:19 NASB

     Out of the hearts of depraved men comes all manner of wickedness. Read Romans 1:21-32. Sexual immorality, homosexuality, greed, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, arrogance, disobedience to ones parents, inventors of evil, envy, God haters, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful, and those who may not do such things as these, but heartily approve of those who do! Those today who may not participate in the scandalous behavior of others, but embrace and encourage their sin, are just as lost and guilty as if they did. What does this say about churches who embrace deviant sexual behavior? Gay marriage, the ordination of gay ministers, and the open acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is nothing more than the outflow of a heart that is dead to the things of God.
     We are without excuse. No one was born a homosexual, just as no one was born a gossip! We reject the revelation of God that we have received. He turns us over to our wicked passions because we would rather live selfish lives serving a god of our own invention than to serve the only true God who created us. This is nothing but gross idolatry!
     This is not only about homosexuality, reread the passage in Romans. There are many other sins listed that are just as wicked in God's sight, and He will judge them as well. What about gossip, or arrogance? How about deceit? We see more murder today than ever before, and remember that anger is seen as murder in God's eyes (Matt 5:21-22).
     Wicked behavior, and the wide acceptance of it is the result of our own choice. We cannot call it an alternative lifestyle, or claim God made us this way. The tolerance of sin in this world today only serves to show us how wicked and depraved this world really is. One whose life is filled with the sinful acts mentioned in this passage of scripture can be assured that they are dead spiritually and in need of a radical life change that can only be found in Christ.
     Our only remedy is to turn in brokenness and repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself to deliver us from this wicked world (Gal 1:4). Only He can set the captives free. Only in Him can we find true grace and mercy.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pray For Those In Authority.

     It is near election time once again, and feelings are running quite high, as usual. Many individuals are disgusted with the state of things in this nation, disgusted with the political system, and the politicians.
     To add fuel to the fire, many individuals are unhappy at the recent decision of the Supreme Court to not hear the same sex marriage cases.
     I find that countless numbers of Christians are in the midst of this fray. Many desire a complete change come this election cycle. A lot of Christians flood social media with their desire to see a "christian" white house, to see christian policies enacted, to see this nation return to godliness.
     In fairness, it would be wonderful if our President truly repented of his sin and surrendered his life to Christ. The same goes for all of our leaders in whatever office they hold. It would be great if the courts upheld biblical morality in all of their decisions, and we found this nation on it's knees before God.
     Sadly, I believe a lot of this amounts to little more than an election season rant. We want different leaders, so we hope to throw the old ones out, and replace them with "godly" ones. I truly believe that the desire of most individuals seeking a "godly white house" is not the salvation of our president, but to vote him out of power! Sounds harsh, but I believe it is true!
     The truth is we live in a fallen world, run by fallen people. Plain and simple. We are not going to find an on fire sold out to Jesus president and congress and judicial system, governors, mayors, and so on, no matter how hard we try. The world is the world! The world is lost in sin. How can we expect sinful government officials to somehow give us the moral upright government that we desire?
     Look at all of the professed christian politicians. Look at the mud slinging, name calling, broken promises, all in the name of getting elected. I find it disgusting to even take part in this! Their conduct goes against the law of love that governs the true child of God (Matthew 7:12; 1Cor 13:4-7; James 2:12).
     We live in this world, but as Christians we belong to the kingdom of God! This world is not our home, and no matter how hard we try to fix it through politics and earthly ways, we will fail! We need to be about the business of our Heavenly Father. We are to seek His kingdom (Matthew 6:33). It is through working to build God's kingdom, that we will see this world changed.
     I wonder how many Christians who are so concerned about the spiritual condition of our leaders, actually obey the instruction given to us to pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4)? How many of us obey Paul's instruction to honor those in authority, to give them the respect that is due them (Romans 13:7)?
     These instructions were written to Christians living under the oppressive rule of the corrupt Roman government. They were under leaders such as Nero, who severely persecuted them. Yet they were told to be in subjection, and to give proper respect! They were to pray for their leaders, not curse them.
     They understood the fact that God had placed these governments in place for keeping order (Romans 13:1-5). They understood that the world would take care of the world, they were to be about the business of Christ's kingdom. They could only change this world for the better as they proclaimed the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.
     As Christians we must honor our leaders, no matter how bad of a job we think they are doing. They will ultimately stand before God to answer for how they ruled in this life. Better yet, let's pray for them! Let's pray that they would be saved. Let's pray that God would give them wisdom to rule rightly. 
     If we would do this, we would find that things would indeed go well for us as the scriptures promise (1 Timothy 2:2). If we choose to keep on harping and criticizing, waiting for a better election, we will be bitterly disappointed. 
     No matter the outcome of this or any future elections, those who are living for Christ, and not caught up in this world system, can have the peace that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. It cannot stop Christ or His kingdom, to which we truly belong.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Necessity of the Great Commission.

     Every so often someone brings up the question of what happens to people who never heard the gospel; people in a far away remote land who never had the chance to hear the gospel of Christ.
     I am surprised to see the large number of so called Christians who believe that God in His mercy overlooks their sin because they never had a chance to hear about Christ, therefore they could not believe.
     I find problems with this view based on the scriptures. Remember all scripture is God breathed, (1Tim 3:16), and is our final authority on this and other matters of faith and practice. This is God's word to us, telling us His desire and will concerning this question.
     Jesus commanded that we should go to the farthest corners of the earth with the message of the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:14-16; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 1:8). If those who had never heard the gospel were saved in their ignorance of the truth, wouldn't it be better if they didn't hear? It would seem that Jesus is commanding us to go and do something that might just be the thing that damns a soul rather than saves it. If they were saved anyway, it would be better for them to have never known the truth, than to risk rejecting it.
     Look at what Paul tells us about those who sin without the law. They will perish without the law (Romans 2:12). Why? Because they are a law unto themselves. They understand right and wrong even though they have never seen a bible, never heard a gospel message, never met a missionary. Their conscience condemns or approves their actions, because the work of the law is written upon their hearts (Romans 2:14-15). 
     They need someone to tell them the good news of Jesus Christ, because they have sinned against the knowledge that they have, however dim it may be, and they are lost!
      Look back to Romans 1:18-23. God has revealed Himself to all mankind in every place, whether through His word, or through creation. We are condemned when we reject this revelation and worship the creation instead of the God who created it. Look at the all of the idolatry throughout the world. Consider what it must be like in unreached places! These individuals are lost, and we must reach them!
     Finally the Apostle Paul speaks of confessing Jesus, and believing in Him for salvation (Romans 10:9-10). This is how we are saved, by turning from our sins and self, and by faith surrendering ourselves to the lordship of Christ, casting ourselves upon His mercy. 
     Look further on though when he mentions those who have not believed or heard the message of the gospel (Romans 10:14-15). He says that they cannot hear or believe unless someone is sent to them! He says the feet of those bringing the good news of salvation are beautiful! If it is true that they are saved because they have never had the chance to hear, then why would Paul say the feet of those sent to proclaim salvation to them are beautiful? It would be better to stay far away from them and let them remain in their ignorance, than to risk their souls by telling them the truth.
     The truth is we are all lost apart from Christ. We all need to be saved from our sin no matter where we live. It is this sin, this rebellion against God that separates us from Him and subjects us to eternal damnation. God desires that all have an adequate opportunity to hear the message of life, and have a chance to repent of their sins, and trust in the mercy of Christ and be saved (1Tim 2:4). They are lost if they are not reached!