
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Convictions Worth Dying For.

     It seems that a majority of "Christians" today do not hold too tightly to their convictions. They may hold to various beliefs and convictions, but are easily persuaded to compromise, lay these beliefs aside, or just remain silent. 
     I understand that there are some things that are personal, and we are not to judge another on these things (Romans 14:1-13). This is not what I am referring to. I am writing here about Jesus Christ, and our unwavering commitment to follow Him as Lord of our lives, no matter where it leads us, and how much it costs us.
     The Anabaptists of the sixteenth century are a little known group of people who grew out of the reformation. They followed Christ with an all out passion. Their property was confiscated, they were imprisoned, tortured, and put to death for their beliefs.
     What were these beliefs that meant so much to them? They believed that the scriptures were for them, that they were to be believed and lived out. They believed that the kingdom of God was within them, Christ was the head of the Church, not a city council or other form of human government. They rejected the notion that the consecrated bread became the body of Christ during communion. They saw the communion elements as symbolic of Jesus body and blood. They saw that infant baptism was not biblical. They believed that one was to be baptized upon a true confession of faith. They took the words of Jesus to love ones enemies quite literally. They went out as missionaries throughout Europe preaching repentance from sin and faith towards God, baptizing all who truly believed. Revival followed them. Multitudes embraced the message of the gospel and were baptized as a seal of their surrender to Christ.
     They were at odds not only with the Roman Catholic Church, but were also branded as rebels and heretics by the leaders of the reformation as well. It was Martin Luther himself who declared that they must be put to death for their rebellion against church authority. This did not discourage or stop them. They picked up their cross and followed Christ all the way, many of them to the death.
     We need the boldness and conviction that these Christians, and many others throughout history had. Many today are suffering untold horrors in other lands while we waffle and waver and remain silent, afraid to ruffle feathers and go against the current. We see so much worldliness in the church and do nothing. We follow along as we see a church fighting spiritual battles in the political arena. We have become materialistic, storing up treasures on earth instead of heaven. We know nothing of true cross bearing for the sake of Christ. The modern message of Christ has become so watered down and distorted, but most of us say nothing, sadly many of us do not even realize this is happening. 
     God, grant us the grace to stand for you! Wake us up and give us courage! May we hold firmly to Godly convictions, and change this world for you.