
Friday, March 23, 2012

A new creation.

     Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. the old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
     2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV.

     In Christ we are made new. In Him we have been re-created. Once we were selfish individuals, caring nothing for God, or others. In Christ this selfish principle has been destroyed, and been replaced by love; love for God, and our fellow man. The individual who once stole, lied, commited adultry, coveted, profaned God, and served god's of his own invention, is now honest, faithful, and worships the God who redeemed him, in spririt and truth.
     This is accomplished in all who will come to Christ, and immerse their lives in Him, giving all to Him, so that He might be all in them. The life transformed by Christ is completely changed. The old is gone, the new has come. Regeneration is a total makeover, not merely a cleaned up life.
     Are you a new creation? Are you in Christ?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Holiness defined.

     Here is a definition of holiness that I thought was quite good.

     Holiness is a thing of the heart; it is the purging away of the dross of the soul; it is the renewing of our whole nature so that we are made 'partakers of the Divine nature' (2 Pet. i. 4). It makes 'the tree good.'
Booth, William ; Wesley, John ; Bonar, Horatius; Ryle, J. C. ; Brengle, Samuel; Taylor, Jeremy; Law, William (2012-02-27). Top 7 Classics on Holiness: Purity of Heart, Heart Talks on Holiness, Holiness, God's Way of Holiness, Christian Perfection, Serious Call, Holy Living (Kindle Locations 1181-1182).  . Kindle Edition.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Singleness of purpose.

     Devotion signifies a life given, or devoted, to God. He, therefore, is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life parts of piety, by doing everything in the Name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to His glory.
Booth, William ; Wesley, John ; Bonar, Horatius; Ryle, J. C. ; Brengle, Samuel; Taylor, Jeremy; Law, William (2012-02-27). Top 7 Classics on Holiness: Purity of Heart, Heart Talks on Holiness, Holiness, God's Way of Holiness, Christian Perfection, Serious Call, Holy Living (Kindle Locations 11478-11480).  . Kindle Edition.

     This seems like a lofty ideal, unreachable by most Christians. Indeed we fall far short of this in the Church today. Yet this was normal Christianity for the early Church, This is the standard set forth in the new testament. Whatever we do in word or deed, we are to do in His name, and for His glory. This covers every aspect of life. Eating, drinking, working and resting, our thoughts, our plans all fall under this rule.
     It all comes down to our level of commitment to Christ, and the depth of our love for Him. He desires us to love Him with the totality of our being. We are to be consumed by our love for Him. Everything we do flows from love, with His glory as its motive. It is indeed a lofty place, a high calling, that can only be fueled by the fire of the Holy Spirit consuming the sacrifice of our lives. We must die to self, our plans, our wills, and let Him be all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Want Faith?

     So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
     Romans 10:17 ESV

     If you want to build up your faith, get into the word of God. This is where God speaks to us. His word is where we find His promises. Read it with a heart that is willing to receive what it says. Allow it to challenge your preconceived ideas. Believe it and act upon it, you will be transformed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finding God's promises.

     For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him.
     2 Cor 1:20.
     It is in Christ where we find all we need for life and godliness. God has given us all we need to become partakers of His divine nature (2Peter 1:3,4). Only in Him can we realize these promises. this is the place of submission and trust, the place of surrender to the will of God. It is the place where we lay down our lives so that He may live. Many seek the promises of God, to no avail. They seek with selfish reasons, they seek while clinging to part of their lives. The soul who has made Christ it's life, a unlimited storehouse is opened. All of God's promises find their yes in Christ, as we live in Him by faith.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Which is easier?

     "Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'your sins are forgiven'; or to say, 'get up, and pick up your pallet and walk'? But so you know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"- He said to the paralytic," I say to you, get up pick up your pallet and go home."
     Mark 2:9-11 NASB.

     The scriptures are consistent throughout. God healed then, and is more than willing to heal today. This passage of scripture reveals that when it comes down to crunch time, faith is often superficial. It is not so much the quantity of faith that receives the answer, but the quality. True faith stands the test!